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How to join to EUAsiaGrid conference room.

If you have already been using Psi Jabber client, here you will find, how to join this conference room. If you have not, please use our tutorial.
If you want to know more about all features of Psi, just go there.

How to begin.

Firstly, please, download Psi client from http://psi-im.org/ and install it. If you have a problem, please, see this page. You can run Psi under Linux, Windows and Mac OS. Tutorial is designed under Windows, but is analogical for Linux and Mac OS.
After instalation, window as you see bellow appears, if you have already been using Jabber, press "Use existing account", window will appears, where you insert your Jabber ID and password - like here. If you have not, press "Register new account" and continue here.

How to get an account at our server.

Push the button on the left bottom corner of Psi.

After you press "Account Setup", new window will appear. Click on the Add button.

Insert EUAsiaGrid as you see on the picture bellow and press Add button.

New window will appear, insert address "tarmenel.ics.muni.cz" into.

Insert your username and password.

Window with successful registration appears.

Now you tick all choices in the Settings area.

Click on the Connection tab and tick "Send "keep-alive" packets (to prevent timeouts)" and "Probe legacy SSL port".

Click on the Misc. tab and tick "Use hostname as resource".

How to change status.

To change your status, push button with small star on the bottom of the PSI. Then menu with choices appears. By hovering mouse cursor above "Status", new menu appears and you can choose status as you like.

This Error appeared because you have not inserted your account information yet.

You can insert your name, nickname, birthday, phone number, homepage and e-mail here. You can also add a picture, which will be used as your avatar. After making all changes, push "Publish" button.

Your data was successfully published.

Now you can use your new account.

How to add contact.

Click on the left bottom corner of Psi client and choose "Add user" and then "tarmenel.ics.muni.cz".

Please insert Jabber ID of your new contact and his/her nickname.

Now press "Add/Auth" button, contact will be added into your contact list and message with autorization request will be sent to him.

You can also send a file to your contact.

How to join chatroom.

If you want to join chatroom, just click on the button as you see on the picture bellow.

You have to insert a name of host server - "conference.tarmenel.ics.muni.cz", a name of room - "euasiagrid" and your nickname, password will not be required. If you want to see history of logs to this room, you will find it here

Poslední změna: Tue Oct 19 10:33:55 CEST 2010